Tuesday, October 5, 2010

An Intern's Point of View : Sharon Shapiro's Artist Forum

Earlier this month we opened our doors to local artist Sharon Shapiro during the September Artist Forum. Sharon’s presentation was a refreshing change of pace for me, a fourth year student at UVA. Tuesdays at school usually mean long lectures and pages upon pages of notes, but Sharon brought the afternoon to life. Thanks to the nature of the Artist Forums and my internship here at SSG, I was able to get to know Sharon Shapiro as both a person and an artist in an intimate setting.

Sharon’s bright smile and open personality mirrored her vivid artwork. The audience of visitors and members alike seemed to enjoy her endearing anecdotes, laughing along with her college crises and recent travails. Sharon allowed us a secret look into her life as well as her art. I was personally surprised to learn that Sharon’s childhood training shared much in common with other children’s experiences. She first began drawing at her father’s clothing store in West Virginia where she would sit and sketch mannequins all day. It was a simple compliment from a college professor, Sharon confided in us, that pushed her down the path of painting she pursues today. I took Sharon’s stories to heart. As my own college career nears its end, it is inspiring to see the lasting effects a single individual can make on the rest of our lives.

 Sharon’s art, old and new, plays with the idea of these hidden stories within captured moments. Each image and brush stroke, found or constructed, represents something significant: a camping trip, a dropped teddy bear, a stolen glance. One series of paintings even sprang from a secret excursion into McIntire Park where she was photographed, fully dressed, knee deep in the pool. Each painting had such strong personality that I found myself identifying with her subjects’ emotions by the end of her talk.

Sharon has become a master at “knitting fragments of personal experience” into every detail and we were so glad to have her with us. Check out her website to see more of her wonderful work: http://www.sharonshapiro.com.

AND look out for our next Artist Forum, coming up on Tuesday, October 12th, from 12 noon – 1 pm, when sculptor Bob Strini will be speaking and answering questions about his work.  Be sure to visit his website as well:  http://robertstrini.com/.

- Elizabeth Vargas, SSG Social Media Intern 

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