Thursday, October 1, 2009

Grant, Stinnett, Maetamm Install

Happy Thursday! Happy members'preview-almost-done-with-installation-Thursday! Cue exhale...

Here are a few shots of hanging yesterday.  AG and a trio of volunteers were champs to come in on Sunday to help Jason Brown remove the Mountaintop show. As a result, we hit the ground patching and painting on Monday.  John Grant's work arrived that afternoon, Georgianne Stinnett's arrived Tuesday morning, while, ironically, the work of our most far-flung artist Marko Maetamm, of Estonia, had arrived two weeks ago! Tonight we'll host the preview event which we hold for members of the gallery before every First Fridays opening.  The previews are special for both their intimacy and community.  The pace is slower, there's more elbow room, you get to see your SSG friends, and have wide access to the artists.  Sign up today and come on out tonight! We would love to have you with us as we celebrate a gorgeous October show.  Take a look....and see you on Friday if not this evening!

 art packaging, piles and hills of it

 laying out the show took a minute, or a day, but as of this picture two walls were hung!

 these are carpet squares. you put them under the art while you play arrangement tetris.

 the hanging  math. our invisible hand...

 AG writing the Maetamm piece with his quirky tilt.

Intern CC and AG with our other invisible hand, the level.

You didn't really think we'd show you the finished product did you? What fun would that be?
I'll leave it at this....don't miss this show!

1 comment:

  1. John Grant, Georgianne Stinnett, and Marko Maetamm October 2-31 -- Second Street's outstanding new show. DON'T MISS it. Every one of John Grant's photos are simply breathtaking, engaging, complex, stunning, moving, exquisite.
