Monday, October 19, 2009

Women for Art

Last spring, a few male board members and supporters decided to hold a Men's Dinner on the rooftop of the CCCA building.  The goal was to have a simple, no frills, Rockefeller style fund raiser.  Steaks, great wine, and cigars accessorized the evening. The men raised an impressive sum and only a little bit of hell.

In response, SSG's Women for Art group decided to make its official debut through a counter fundraising dinner.  This dinner would be the gateway event to a number of social and educational programs planned through SSG throughout the year such as a trip up to the Glenstone private collection in Maryland and a performance by Robin Lane who embodies female artists. In order to field interest, the idea was to gather 100 women at 100 dollars to support the gallery and the group!

A committee of eight incredible women planned the whole event which featured generous donations of  catering by Harvest Moon, a cheese spread by Whole Foods, fish by West Main Seafood, wine by J.W. Sieg Company Inc., all the necessary dinnerware by Dave Simpson and C&O, cookies by Brix and Albemarle Baking Company, flowers by Ken of Patterson's Florist, and photography by Meredith Montague. Thanks to all our generous in-kind sponsors!!!

Despite the cold, an artfully dressed crowd arrived on Thursday, October 15 ready to celebrate SSG's 36th season, the Women for Art effort, and their friendships.  The point, after all, was to create a community of women who make art, support art, and recognize it's necessary function in life and society.

Congrats to the committee, the women, and the gallery for a gorgeous dinner filled with fun gallery facts, future plans, and generous spirits!

....Here are a few shots while we wait for Meredith's images...

before the guests arrive


dahlias from ken's garden of patterson's florist


 one more pre-shot 

p.s. the Women crushed the Men's total....sorry boys!

p.p.s. if you'd like to get involved with Women for Art, please email

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